/* $Id: trapreceiver.src,v 2009/10/12 11:56:26 prathika Exp $ */ /* * @(#)trapreceiver.java * Copyright (c) 1996-2009 ZOHO Corp. All Rights Reserved. * Please read the COPYRIGHTS file for more details. * */ /** * Run command line trap receiver and print incoming PDUs. Loads MIBs * as specified, and converts to/from names for loaded MIB data. * It also prints loaded trap names and descriptions when the * corresponding traps are received. * * [-c] - community String. By default "public". * [-p] - remote port no. By default 161. * [-m] - The mibs to be loaded. * [-e] - The V3 engineID * [-u] - The v3 principal/userName * [-a] - The authProtocol(MD5/SHA). Mandatory if authPassword is specified * [-w] - The authentication password. * [-s] - The privacy protocol password. Must be accompanied with auth password and authProtocol fields. * [-n] - The snmpv3 contextName to be used. * [-i] - The snmpv3 contextID to be used. * [-pp] - The privacy protocol. Must be accompanied with auth,priv password and authProtocol fields. */ import com.adventnet.snmp.beans.*; import com.adventnet.snmp.snmp2.*; import com.adventnet.snmp.snmp2.usm.*; public class trapreceiver { private static int MIBS = 0; private static int COMMUNITY = 1; private static int PORT = 2; private static int USER_NAME = 3; private static int ENGID = 4; private static int AUTH_PROTOCOL = 5; private static int AUTH_PASSWORD = 6; private static int PRIV_PASSWORD = 7; private static int DEBUG = 8; private static int CONTEXT_NAME = 9; private static int CONTEXT_ID = 10; private static int PRIV_PROTOCOL = 11; public static void main(String args[]) { // Take care of getting options String usage = "trapreceiver [-m MIB_files] [-c community] [-p port] [-u user] [-e engineID(1234.../0x1234...)] [-a authProtocol(MD5/SHA)] [-w auth_password] [-s priv_password] [-d] [-n contextName] [-i contextId] [ -pp priv_protocol(DES/AES-128/AES-192/AES-256/3DES) ]"; String options[] = { "-m" , "-c", "-p", "-u", "-e", "-a", "-w", "-s", "-d", "-n", "-i", "-pp" }; String values[] = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "None", null, null, null}; String userName = null; int authProtocol = USMUserEntry.NO_AUTH; String authPassword = new String (""); String privPassword = new String (""); String engineID = null; int privProtocol = USMUserEntry.NO_PRIV; byte secLevel = 0; ParseOptions opt = new ParseOptions(args,options,values, usage); if (opt.remArgs.length!=0) opt.usage_error(); // instantiate a receiver object SnmpTrapReceiver receiver = new SnmpTrapReceiver(); //To load MIBs from compiled file receiver.getMibOperations().setLoadFromCompiledMibs(true); if (values[COMMUNITY] != null) receiver.setCommunity( values[COMMUNITY] ); try { // set trap port to listen on if specified - else port 162 if (values[PORT] != null) receiver.setPort( Integer.parseInt(values[PORT]) ); else receiver.setPort( 162 ); if (values[USER_NAME] != null) { userName = values[USER_NAME]; receiver.setPrincipal(userName); } if (values[ENGID] != null) { engineID = values[ENGID]; if(engineID.startsWith("0x") || engineID.startsWith("0X")) engineID = new String(gethexValue(values[ENGID])); } if (values[AUTH_PROTOCOL] != null) { if(engineID == null) { System.out.println("EngineID is missing"); opt.usage_error(); } if ( values[AUTH_PROTOCOL].equals("SHA")) authProtocol = USMUserEntry.SHA_AUTH; else if ( values[AUTH_PROTOCOL].equals("MD5")) authProtocol = USMUserEntry.MD5_AUTH; else authProtocol = USMUserEntry.NO_AUTH; receiver.setAuthProtocol(authProtocol); receiver.setTrapAuthEnable(true); secLevel |= 0x01; } if (values[AUTH_PASSWORD] != null) { if(engineID == null) { System.out.println("EngineID is missing"); opt.usage_error(); } if (secLevel == 0x01) { authPassword = values[AUTH_PASSWORD]; receiver.setAuthPassword(authPassword); } else opt.usage_error(); } if(values[PRIV_PASSWORD] != null) { if(engineID == null) { System.out.println("EngineID is missing"); opt.usage_error(); } if (secLevel == 0x01) { privPassword = values[PRIV_PASSWORD]; if(values[PRIV_PROTOCOL] != null) { if(values[PRIV_PROTOCOL].equals("AES-128")) { privProtocol = USMUserEntry.CFB_AES_128; } else if(values[PRIV_PROTOCOL].equals("AES-192")) { privProtocol = USMUserEntry.CFB_AES_192; } else if(values[PRIV_PROTOCOL].equals("AES-256")) { privProtocol = USMUserEntry.CFB_AES_256; } else if(values[PRIV_PROTOCOL].equals("3DES")) { privProtocol = USMUserEntry.CBC_3DES; } else if(values[PRIV_PROTOCOL].equals("DES")) { privProtocol = USMUserEntry.CBC_DES; } else { System.out.println(" Invalid PrivProtocol "+values[PRIV_PROTOCOL]); opt.usage_error(); } } receiver.setPrivPassword(privPassword); receiver.setPrivProtocol(privProtocol); if(values[CONTEXT_NAME]!= null) receiver.setContextName(values[CONTEXT_NAME]); if(values[CONTEXT_ID]!= null) receiver.setContextID((values[CONTEXT_ID]).getBytes()); secLevel |= 0x02; } else opt.usage_error(); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("Invalid Integer Arg"); } if(values[DEBUG].equals("Set")) receiver.setDebug(true); if(userName != null) receiver.createUserEntry(engineID.getBytes(),secLevel); if (values[MIBS] != null) try { // load MIB files System.err.println("Loading MIBs: "+values[MIBS]); receiver.loadMibs(values[MIBS]); System.err.println("Done."); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Error loading MIBs: "+ex); } // we need to instantiate a trap listener to listen for trap events TrapListener listener = new TrapListener() { // This method is called when trap is received by SnmpTrapReceiver public void receivedTrap(TrapEvent trap) { System.out.println("Got a trap from: "+trap.getRemoteHost()); // print PDU details System.out.println( ((SnmpTrapReceiver)trap.getSource()) .getMibOperations().toString(trap.getTrapPDU()) ); if( trap.getTrapPDU().getCommand() == SnmpAPI.TRP_REQ_MSG) { com.adventnet.snmp.mibs.MibTrap trapDefn = // get trap defn trap.getTrapDefinition(); if (trapDefn != null) // print name and description System.out.println("Trap Name: "+trapDefn.getName()+ "\nDescr: "+trapDefn.getDescription()); } else if( trap.getTrapPDU().getCommand() == SnmpAPI.TRP2_REQ_MSG) { com.adventnet.snmp.mibs.MibNode notification = trap.getNotificationDefinition(); if(notification != null) System.out.println("Notification Name: "+notification.getLabel()+ "\nObjects: "+ notification.getObjects()+ "\nStatus: "+ notification.getStatus()+ "\nDescr: "+notification.getDescription()+ "\nParent: "+ notification.getParent()); } } }; receiver.addTrapListener(listener); System.out.println("Trap Receiver started at port "+receiver.getPort()); } private static byte[] gethexValue(String value) { byte temp; byte[] Key=new byte[value.length()/2 - 1]; String ss,str; ss = value.substring(2); for(int i = 0; i < ss.length(); i+=2) { str = ss.substring(i,i+2); temp = (byte)Integer.parseInt(str,16); Key[i/2] = temp; } return Key; } }